Period for submission of papers: June 23rd to September 1st. [Prazo prorrogado!] Novo prazo: 30 de setembro para o fim das submissões. ["Última prorrogação!] Apesar do nosso congresso ter alcançado o número recorde de inscrições de trabalhos, devido a diversas solicitações, decidimos adiar o prazo da entrega de trabalhos impreterivelmente para o próximo dia 13 de Outubro. Não iremos ampliar novamente a data de submissão de trabalhos.
The registration fees are:
Categories | Until 10/15 | Until 12/6 | at the time |
Professors and researchers | R$ 100,00 | 120,00 | 140,00 |
Graduate students and postdocs, technicians and other professionals | R$ 50,00 | 70,00 | 90,00 |
Students | R$ 30,00 | 50,00 | 70,00 |
These fees include
In order to register for the 2023 E-Vigilância Congress, it is necessary to fill in the form with your personal data in the google form below. It is necessary to register and pay the entrance fee regardless of whether you want to submit work or just participate in the event.
Trabalhos devem se enquadrar nos seguintes temas:
E-vigilância Congress is only accepting registration payments by PIX. We ask that you send proof of payment on the registration form itself. The registration form can be edited later, linked to your email, so you can register and send work and only attach the proof later. However, payment must be made in the amount and term informed in the table of registration fees.
According to article 49 of the Consumer Protection Code, the interested person may withdraw from registration, regardless of justification, with full refund of the amount paid within the legal term of 7 (seven) days from payment.
Art. 49. The consumer can withdraw from the contract, within 7 days of his signature or the act of receiving the product or service, whenever the contracting for the supply of products and services occurs outside the commercial establishment, especially by telephone or at home.
Single paragraph. If the consumer exercises the right of repentance provided for in this article, the amounts eventually paid, in any capacity, during the reflection period, will be returned, immediately, monetarily updated.
Outside the period established by the Consumer Protection Code, the following provisions apply:
Without justification: 50 percent of the amount paid
Health problems: 80 percent of the amount paid
Double payment: 100 percent of the amount paid
* Other cases will be analyzed by the event's organizing committee
Welcome to the paper submission page for E-Surveillance 2023. The conference will receive abstracts from June 23, 2023 to September 1, 2023. [Prazo prorrogado!] Novo prazo: 30 de setembro para o fim das submissões.
It is necessary that the author who wants to register his work must register for the event. When registering your work, the author will automatically authorize the organizing committee of the event to include the work of his authorship in print, digital, internet or any other media associated with the event.
The works must be unpublished in relation to other events. There is no limit on the number of works sent per author, nor the maximum number of authors per work. It is necessary that at least one of the authors of the work sign up indicating the Author-presenter, who is responsible for presenting the work.
The registration of abstracts must be done by paying the registration fee and filling out the form below within the established deadlines and the participant must already be registered for the congress.
Abstracts will be analyzed by completing the form at the following link.
Abstract format:
Presentation title
Introduction (Try not to exceed 1000 characters.)
Methodology (Try not to exceed 1000 characters.)
Results (Try not to exceed 1000 characters.)
Conclusion (Try not to exceed 1000 characters.)
Click here to fill in the registration form for your workPapers may be presented in the following formats:
The authors may indicate their preference for the presentation format (oral or poster), however, the final decision will be made by the Scientific Committee, and will be communicated with the return of the abstract accepted / rejected.
Abstracts will be evaluated and selected by the Scientific Committee.
The poster model will be forwarded in a timely manner after accepted works.
For questions regarding the submission of work, please contact the Organizing Committee via email